Tuesday, September 28, 2010


What: Last week in class we learned about vidcasts. After learning what podcasts are and how they work, vidcasts were pretty simple and in my opinion it shouldn't be too hard to create a vidcast of my own. The assignment is to make a vidcast, but it is not due until next week. This week however, I will be doing research about the World War 2 (our topic) and finding as much information and pictures possible.
So What: I think vidcasts can be really helpful in classrooms. They are really good when introducing a subject that will be taught in class because the teacher can show a 5 minute clip and the kids will already have a summary of what they'll be learning. Vidcasts (at least short ones) cannot teach a lesson, but they can be really useful either before learning a lesson or after learning a lesson. Having students create a vidcast after they have learned a section in class can be beneficial because they will be able to take everything they have learned and condense it into a short 5 minute (give or take a couple minutes) clip.
Now What: Having students create their own vidcast is a great assignment because it's not the usual "boring" assignment. Students are engaged in what may be a new way of learning, and they can work with a partner to put their thoughts together. I think vidcasts will be a great tool for parents and colleagues as well as students. Teachers can create vidcasts of different activities, lesson plans, fun class days, etc. This way parents are able to see what is going on in class without actually being in class. Also, colleagues can look at the different vidcasts and learn about new ways of teaching that have been effective in other classrooms. Vidcasts can be a very helpful tool in the classroom setting and I'm excited to one day implement it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


What: In class last week we learned about podcasts.  We learned that podcasts are only audio, not visual.  The assignment that was given was to create a PSA podcast.  My partner and I chose to make a recycling podcast.  
So What: During class we were given many definitions of what a podcast is and where it lives. Podcasts live on websites, itunes, youtube, mp3 players, news stations, dictionaires, etc.  Using podcasts are very useful because it helps get information across in a simple way...all you have to do is click "play" and there is the podcast.  This technology means to me that I can have my students pre-record things (before class) and then they can present their recordings in class. What this technology means to my colleagues is that if I ever were in need of a substitute I would be able to record myself prior to class with all the instructions and information needed for instructing the class.
Now What: Podcasts can be very beneficial for my future students.  For example, if we were learning about birds, students could make a recording with information about birds (about a minute or so), and then add the sound a bird makes.  That way other students would be able to understand which animal it actually is.  Another way a podcast would be helpful for future students would be if the teacher were to find a famous speech and have someone record themselves giving the speech.  In doing this, students would be able to hear the speech instead of just read it on a piece of paper.  Podcasts can be beneficial for teachers as well as for students.  One way a teacher can use podcasts while including teachers would be to record yourself (the teacher) for about a minute or so saying what you did that day in class.  This gives parents reassurance that the teacher really is doing his/her part.  An example of a podcast being used district-wide would be making a PSA about the swine flu and the precautions students and parents can take and then uploading it to the districts website.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Google Part Two

What: In Thursdays class we learned about google sites and how to create a google site for our classroom.  Our assignment is to create a google site for either a make believe classroom or for a classroom we hope to have one day.
So What: Learning about google sites was something that I truly enjoyed.  I think it's a fabulous idea to have a website where students and parents can go to find information about the students classroom.  One way this google site can apply to me in my classes now is I could create a google site for every single one of my classes and keep track of events occurring or homework and projects that are due.  What this technology means to me is an easier way to communicate with people.  No longer do parents have to wonder about what is going on in the classroom and what events will be taking place and when.  Colleagues can check my google site constantly and read about what's being taught in the class and what activities are taking place.  
Now What: Future students of mine will be able to check what the homework is everyday.  They will not be able to tell their parents that they don't know the assignments or that they don't have any assignments.  Parents will be able to look up each day of the week and be able to tell what is due and which day.  Also, if parents know their child will be gone a certain day or if their child is sick then they can look at the calendar and know what they will or are missing.  This will help me become a better teacher because I will have a greater understanding about technology and how it is helpful in the classroom.  I'm excited for the future when I actually get to implement a google site into my class, and am excited to learn more about google sites. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Google Part One

What: Today in class we learn about different applications in Google. We learned about google docs, spreadsheets, igoogle, google sites, calendar, etc.
So What: This class was really helpful for me. I know a lot about Google because of my husband (he's an ISYS major), but I've never really explored for myself the different applications. Learning these new things means that I will be able to do many things in a much simpler way. For example, using a google doc is great. I don't have to email things to people for a group project, I can just type it up on google docs and then share it with my teammates. Also, the calendar is a fabulous application because now I can be organized and find my calendar anytime I have a computer.
I think learning these new applications will be very beneficial for my classroom one day. I will be able to have a calendar that parents can check often and refer to if they have any questions. I will also be able to have a google site for my classroom, which parents and students can check as well.
One way this new technology really applies in my everyday life is Matt Jenkins already set up a google doc with everyone's (in our cohort) name, phone number, and email address. Having this information will help with study groups, questions about homework/project, etc.
Now What: If I can be honest, I was really not thrilled at first that so much technology was in the classroom. However, after having some field experience in the elementary schools I have learned that it is such a help. No longer do teachers have to send a million information papers home with the students, just so they can get lost in between school and home, but teachers can have google sites where they post classroom rules, homework/projects/tests, important information or dates, etc. Teachers can also google chat with parents if parents can't make it to the classroom for a "Parent-Teacher Conference." The applications are very convenient.
I think having an understanding of all the google applications is such a great thing when you're a colleague and working with others. Being able to share lesson plans and different project ideas with other colleagues is so beneficial, especially for new teachers. Having other teachers share their knowledge through the google application can be very helpful because of all their insight. When students are old enough I strongly believe that they can find the google calendar extremely helpful, as long as teachers update the calendar regularly.
I am excited to learn all of these new things about Google and am anxious to one day implementing all of the applications into my classroom.